Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog 2

The crowd of kids were all gathering around and were talking about making a fire up on top of the mountain. I was thinking to myself, "If every body goes to the mountain to make a fire we will all go crazy and something bad might happen." The little one with a birth mark on his face, talked about a beastie in the forest. Every one was ignoring the little ones cries. I held the conch. I tried to talk to the group of kids but every one was talking about the fire that they will make. So, I tried to get their attention by yelling out to them. They walked nimbly towards the mountain top. On the way up to the mountain they saw many warped trees at the bottom.When they got to the top Jack sends the Hunters and little people to gather the wood. I felt officious when they got that wood. Once they had all the wood they needed Jack and Ralph asked if anyone had any matches with them.The group said, "No!" I started to get nervous and took off my glasses. I rubbed them on my shirt. When I rubbed them on my shirt they saw the light beaming from the glasses. Jack asked me if he could use my glasses and I looked at him scornfully. Jack took my glasses off of my face and I said, "Hey, those are my glasses! Give them back!"He just told me to that I just sat there and complained and to shut up. That gave me an irrestible feeling of anger. It was so hard not to just punch him in the face but I did not. The crowd of kids where all tumulting like wild beasties. When the fire ignited it went down to the dead trees. I suddenly thought of the little boy with the birth mark. He was missing.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Blog Promt one (the conch chapet)

We were escaping from Britain. Are country was at war and all kids were evacuated. We were in a plane flying over a island when i heard shots. The plane was being shot down and the kid next to me got shot in the arm and was crying. all us boys were freaking out. Then i felt huge drop in my stomach. We had crashed and i was out cold. I woke dizzy and hungry i had to clamber out of my seat and out of the burning plane. There was no one around me. I was afraid. Then far away i could vainly see what looked like a lagoon. I was dying of thirst so i quickly ran over there. On my way to the lagoon i was attacked by a HUGE pig. It stared at me and i was so frightened i started to quiver. Then it charged. Lucky i had a pocket knife on my and i stabbed its eye and it ran away and i was happy. Then i was met by a boy who was very decorous. When he started to talk to me i interposed and said " were are we". Then he answered with a strident voice. We are on a island and we are lost. Then i had to speculate of what happened. Now i could remember that we had crashed. Then i could hear what sounded like a clamor. we were approached by a group of boys in black. Then we heard a loud noise and the boys in black gowns followed it. We followed them. Then as we went onto the beach we Saw a fat kid and a skinny kid. They were both bog kids. They introduced them selves. Hi I am jack and this is piggy. We all laughed. Then we say the fat kid look in indignation. As i looked hat him his face was in a jumble and i could feel how he felt like. Like somthing is grating at him. He looked very pallor. They talked for a bit but i wasn't listenig. I could hear jack and ralf argue over who would be the leader.Then i came back from dosing off and i was asked to vote for jack of ralf. I voted Ralf because i had earliar heard him be mean to his chior adn i didnt like that. Our chosen leader ralf lead us into the forest were we devoured fruit and almost a pig!