Friday, April 4, 2008

blog 7

Ohh today was a bad day i was so tired. When we had started to head up the mountain it seemed infinite amount of climbing to get to the fire. Just looking at Ralph is so infuriating he think he is so good, but Jack is the best leader ever. Finally we had got to the fire. We saw the beast and our mouths where blundered by the site of it and we could only stumble our words. Then the beast looked straight at us and we decided to go covered rate under the mountainside. When we looked at the beast it we could not tell what it was and we could not agree on what it could be. It was an uncompromising situation. We compromised by saying its a Ape-like creator. When we got back to camp all of the little boys were looking at us in fear. We deiced to tell them that the beast was a Ape-like creator. They started to sniveled in fear a lot when we told them. But the littluns still wanted us to share our sagely advice with them about the beast and what it did when we got there, but we did not tell them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

blog 5

My feelings differ from the time of the day as I lay upon this bay. From morning sunlight to the nights darkness I change. The morning light wakes all the animals. Birds chirpping, hunting for food. The weather cold like ice. The wind and all the trees were calm, only a cold chill came down my back. Walking down the beach the ocean was raging and the waves were high and huge. The high tide during the morning and the low tide at night. When the night comes the tide goes low and every thing calms down. The ocean goes from its raging waves to the little small waves. The sand warm and bright in the day, then cold and dull at night. Everyone in the day is busy going to places and you hear the honking of cars and at night everyone goes home and turns off the lights. When it rains its pouring down on earth, flooding the streets, when there thunder it roars when theres lighting it strikes burning what ever it hit. Then the sun comes out and brightens the city. The day passes by and it becomes more clearer. The rainbow crossing the sky with opalences colors. The clear sky were all you can see is just blue.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

blog 3

I was running with my hunters with pigs. We left the fire and knew that if we left for a little and go hunting that nothing would have happend to the fire on the mountain. So me and my hunters left to find pigs and kill them. So we abonden the mountain and went into the deep part of the forest.Me and my hunters were on our way to the forest. We were on our way to the forest and we were cutting tendrils of vines with our barb spears. The wieght of of sun put a oppressive feeling upon me. There was a festoon of vines every were. The vines inscrutable wieght were makeing me and my huner tired. But we didnt stop because we wanted meat. The vines were very inscrutable they were very thick. I have my barbed sprear cutting through the bushes trees and plants. Me and my hunters were walking waiting for something to pop out and then out of no where a pig ran out of a bush. I was bewildered for a second then I realized that this was my chance to catch a pig. I chased the pig and then I slashed my spear at the pig and it started running away. We started run after it and it got away. It was through the glimmery bushed to the outside of the forest. We got went out were the pig ran off and we saw Ralph. I took a furtive look at Ralph then looked away to see if I could find the pig."What are you guys doing." Ralph asked." We were hunting pigs I almost got it." I fluantly."Why arent you guys building huts." Ralph said."We want meat and do you acctually think were going to get rescued? We should be hunting for pigs instead of building huts