Monday, January 28, 2008

Blog Promt one (the conch chapet)

We were escaping from Britain. Are country was at war and all kids were evacuated. We were in a plane flying over a island when i heard shots. The plane was being shot down and the kid next to me got shot in the arm and was crying. all us boys were freaking out. Then i felt huge drop in my stomach. We had crashed and i was out cold. I woke dizzy and hungry i had to clamber out of my seat and out of the burning plane. There was no one around me. I was afraid. Then far away i could vainly see what looked like a lagoon. I was dying of thirst so i quickly ran over there. On my way to the lagoon i was attacked by a HUGE pig. It stared at me and i was so frightened i started to quiver. Then it charged. Lucky i had a pocket knife on my and i stabbed its eye and it ran away and i was happy. Then i was met by a boy who was very decorous. When he started to talk to me i interposed and said " were are we". Then he answered with a strident voice. We are on a island and we are lost. Then i had to speculate of what happened. Now i could remember that we had crashed. Then i could hear what sounded like a clamor. we were approached by a group of boys in black. Then we heard a loud noise and the boys in black gowns followed it. We followed them. Then as we went onto the beach we Saw a fat kid and a skinny kid. They were both bog kids. They introduced them selves. Hi I am jack and this is piggy. We all laughed. Then we say the fat kid look in indignation. As i looked hat him his face was in a jumble and i could feel how he felt like. Like somthing is grating at him. He looked very pallor. They talked for a bit but i wasn't listenig. I could hear jack and ralf argue over who would be the leader.Then i came back from dosing off and i was asked to vote for jack of ralf. I voted Ralf because i had earliar heard him be mean to his chior adn i didnt like that. Our chosen leader ralf lead us into the forest were we devoured fruit and almost a pig!


Emma Christenfeld said...

Great job. Can you fix the spelling and grammar errors? Also there are some problems with the usage and conjugation of the words. Ralph is spelled R-A-L-P-H not R-A-L-f. It's a weird spelling thing. Apart from that, nice job.

Anonymous said...

good job on the blog. but i agree with emma you need some help with spelling errors and where are your other 3 blogs you know you have to post those or you will lose homework grade points. so try to gat them up.

-- Katie Brooks