Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blog Promt 9 The stolen glasses

I was Walking down the beach. I remember what happen last night. The hunters brutally murdered Simon. I really want to talk about it but no one will listen. I think it was a accident. He had no reason tumbling down the mountain. They thought he was the beast. Scared a littlun. I really think it was his fault. Really scaring the littluns when every one is so tense and afraid of the beach. I heard the hunters were so afraid they started leaving part of their kill for the beast. I think the beast is out for us all. I wish my mom was here. She could take me home from this place. Now i am definitely not comfortable near jack and his hunters. Just thinking about it made me shudder.
Hello Ralph
Hey said Ralph
We need fire tell some one to get some get a fire going you know? Said Ralph
umm we don't have allot of people I said
Whose Left? said Ralph
Some littluns they are useless and Sam and Eric they aren't much help either... I said
Wow... Said jack I could see a disappointed and kid of afraid look in his eyes
But its ok.. We have something they don't have... FIRE said Ralph
You know they will come for it
Hey piggy you know what happened last night he said
I tried not to think about it. But when i talked i started to gesticulate
It was a accident! Simon was dumb to frighten the boys during a rowdy Party!!! i said
Those savages murdered him... murder.
When he said the words i could feel the phosphorescence beating on my skin

Then Sam and Eric came over they were tired. They looked like they were about to fall out . They talked about the rain recently and how all the wood was wet. Very hard to make fires. They were tired of getting wood. The sun was going down and i was getting tired.
We all went to the shelters and fell asleep. About 2 hours later i heard a rumbling noise. I woke up and woke Ralph up too. Then i heard a voice... "Come here piggy!' I was frightened i thought it was the beast. Then i got a stifle punch the face and i fell over. Then came a smother of blows to the face and body. I lay ed on the floor i heard fighting. And a familiar voice. It was jacks. after the noise stoped i got up my eyes still closed i heard Ralph, Sam and Eric talking. They were talking about mt glaces but i didn't listen. I open my eyes and i was practically blind.


william said...

Hey langtan I really tought I was Ralph and piggy. In this story I really saw the Vocab words because you bolded then not like other people

Gala said...
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Gala said...

I agree with william that i rreally feel like Ralph and piggy when I read it. You also did a good job of using the vocab on your sentences.
good job.